Friday, September 29, 2006

Drumming in San Antonio

I'm off to San Antonio on Friday to play with One Destiny, one of Texas' finest reggae bands, originally from the Virgin Islands. I will be playing at 2 pm at Our Lady of The Lake University. Here is a clip from the last time I played with them.

Saturday night I will be at Hamilton 12 for Bryan & Emily's wedding.

Tonight, Anne and I finished our 2nd segment of The Soul of Entrepreneurship with Dana and Sylvester. It has been an amazing empowering course and I recommend it to any of you that are trying to figure out how to make your passion into your career. Dana and Sylvester care about getting you into action to move past your fears and make it happen.


Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler


Sylvester Becker said...

Congratulations to your new blog outfit. I enjoy it very much. Your blog is always a great read. Being a witness of all your different activities is inspiring, it looks like you are really living a passionate life.

DJ-RJ said...

Thanks Sylvester. Life is really good!