Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another DJ Gathering!

I registered for the DFW ADJA conference today on the 25th of September. I've really been enjoying meeting other DJs and networking and learning. Houston was a great experience and the Ghamma folks really put a great two day show together that not enough DJs came to experience.

Speaking at the Dallas show will be Mark Ferrell of DJA Radio. DJA Radio is a great new daily free podcast by DJs for the DJ industry.

Also speaking will be Brian Dodge who is a hilarious motivational speaker.

It seems that some of the seeds that Disc Jockey News planted may be starting to sprout in new places... hats off to John Young for vision to bring in quality speakers.

I will be performing this Saturday at Ruta Maya from 4-7pm for Austin Breaking Ground. There will be shopping, a raffle, vendors, a fashion show, plus of course Ruta Maya's awesome organic coffee. Come by and say hello and ask for our wedding discount coupon.



Anonymous said...

Forgiving, letting go--releasing fear and so on can be so difficult and yet so easy if the mind just attends to a little re-training. There are some free subliminal and hypnosis programs for these issues at and they helped me.

DJ-RJ said...

Thanks for the link!